Journal articles
Early phonetic learning without phonetic categories: Insights from large-scale simulations on realistic input
Thomas Schatz, Naomi H. Feldman, Sharon Goldwater, Xuan-Nga Cao, Emmanuel Dupoux
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(7), (2021). [pdf]
Evaluating automatic speech recognition systems as quantitative models of cross-lingual phonetic category perception
Thomas Schatz, Francis Bach, Emmanuel Dupoux
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143(5), EL372-EL378 (2018). [pdf]
Mothers speak less clearly to infants than to adults: A comprehensive test of the hyperarticulation hypothesis
Andrew Martin, Thomas Schatz, Maarten Versteegh, Kouki Miyazawa, Reiko Mazuka, Emmanuel Dupoux, Alejandrina Cristia
Psychological science 26(3), 341-347 (2015). [pdf]
Conference proceedings (peer-reviewed)
A phonetic model of non-native spoken word processingYevgen Matusevych,  Herman Kamper,  Thomas Schatz,  Naomi H. Feldman,  Sharon Goldwater 
Proceedings of EACL, 2021. [pdf]
Input matters in the modeling of early phonetic learningRuolan Li,  Thomas Schatz,  Yevgen Matusevych,  Sharon Goldwater,  Naomi H. Feldman 
Proceedings of CogSci, 2020. [pdf] -
Evaluating computational models of infant phonetic learning across languagesYevgen Matusevych,  Thomas Schatz,  Herman Kamper,  Naomi H. Feldman,  Sharon Goldwater 
Proceedings of CogSci, 2020. [pdf]
A quantitative model of the language familiarity effect in infancyCraig A Thorburn,  Naomi H. Feldman,  Thomas Schatz 
Proceedings of CCN, 2019. [pdf]
Neural network vs. HMM speech recognition systems as models of human cross-linguistic phonetic perceptionThomas Schatz,  Naomi H. Feldman 
Proceedings of CCN, 2018. [pdf] -
Sampling strategies in siamese networks for unsupervised speech representation learningRachid Riad,  Corentin Dancette,  Julien Karadayi,  Neil Zeghidour,  Thomas Schatz,  Emmanuel Dupoux 
Proceedings of interspeech, 2018. [pdf] -
Learning filterbanks from raw speech for phone recognitionNeil Zeghidour,  Nicolas Usunier,  Iasonas Kokkinos,  Thomas Schatz,  Gabriel Synnaeve,  Emmanuel Dupoux 
Proceedings of ICASSP, 2018. [pdf]
A quantitative measure of the impact of coarticulation on phone discriminability.Thomas Schatz,  Rory Turnbull,  Francis Bach,  Emmanuel Dupoux 
Proceedings of interspeech, 2017. [pdf]
The zero resource speech challenge 2015Maarten Versteegh,*  Roland Thiolliere,*  Thomas Schatz,*  Xuan Nga Cao,  Xavier Anguera,  Aren Jansen,  Emmanuel Dupoux * Co-first authors.
Proceedings of interspeech, 2015. [pdf]
Phonetics embedding learning with side informationGabriel Synnaeve,  Thomas Schatz,  Emmanuel Dupoux 
Proceedings of SLT, 2014. [pdf] -
Exploring the relative role of bottom-up and top-down information in phoneme learningAbdellah Fourtassi,  Thomas Schatz,  Balakrishnan Varadarajan,  Emmanuel Dupoux 
Proceedings of ACL, 2014. [pdf] -
Evaluating speech features with the minimal-pair ABX task (II): Resistance to noiseThomas Schatz,  Vijayaditya Peddinti,  Xuan-Nga Cao,  Francis Bach,  Hynek Hermansky,  Emmanuel Dupoux 
Proceedings of interspeech, 2014. [pdf]
Evaluating speech features with the minimal-pair ABX task: Analysis of the classical MFC/PLP pipelineThomas Schatz,  Vijayaditya Peddinti,  Francis Bach,  Aren Jansen,  Hynek Hermansky,  Emmanuel Dupoux 
Proceedings of interspeech, 2013. [pdf] -
A summary of the 2012 JHU CLSP workshop on zero resource speech technologies and models of early language acquisitionAren Jansen,  Emmanuel Dupoux,  Sharon Goldwater,  Mark Johnson,  Sanjeev Khudanpur,  Kenneth Church,  Naomi H. Feldman,  Hynek Hermansky,  Florian Metze,  Richard Rose,  Michael Seltzer,  Pascal Clark,  Ian McGraw,  Balakrishnan Varadarajan,  Erin Bennett,  Benjamin Borschinger,  Justin Chiu,  Ewan Dunbar,  Abdellah Fourtassi,  David Harwath,  Chia-ying Lee,  Keith Levin,  Atta Norouzian,  Vijayaditya Peddinti,  Rachael Richardson,  Thomas Schatz,  Samuel Thomas 
Proceedings of ICASSP, 2013. [pdf]
Learning motor dependent crutchfield's information distance to anticipate changes in the topology of sensory body mapsThomas Schatz,  Pierre-Yves Oudeyer 
Proceedings of ICDL, 2009. [pdf]
PhD thesis
ABX-discriminability measures and applications
Thomas Schatz
PhD thesis,
Université Paris 6 (UPMC).